Akashic Records are the celestial energetic records of all our past lives right down to our present incarnation and we can tap into those Records


Part Four of Six

Divine Spirit, Mother, Father, God, Angels, Archangels: we ask now as we go through this meditation that the white light of love surrounds us and protects us and as your love embraces us as we move forward with each experience, and So It Is.


Breathe in for the count of three and out for the count of three, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Continue that deep breathing cycle.


Visualize above your head the most beautiful white light.


Visualize that the light coming own from the top of your head, and every breath that you take, you are breathing in the white light that is the source of the Universe.


Visualize the white light flowing down to every muscle, every bone, every organ in your body. Surrounding and encompassing you.


At the boat waiting for you to begin the next step of your healing journey is Archangel Uriel.


As you sit in the boat feel the vibrations of unconditional love and forgiveness on a deep soul level, as Uriel wraps you in a golden orange velvet cloak.


The boat continues its journey as it moves deeper and deeper into the caves. Move on to the next healing cave with Uriel. This cave is made of amber from the solid form of resin from trees existing millions of years ago.


Lie on the golden orange amber bed In the center of the cave. Breathe in the beautiful energy of this color. Your whole body vibrates as you feel this golden orange color move through you.


On an emotional and physical level, it permeates every part of your conscious and your subconscious mind. It lifts the heaviness of any burdens you may be carrying. And now Uriel stands behind you and places his hands on the sides of your head.


Uriel’s divine light will assist you to transform painful memories from your past, by releasing unforgiveness, resentment. Just relax and ask yourself, who is it that I need to find forgiveness for? Is it within myself? Or is it a person or a situation?


Repeat in your mind: Archangel Uriel be with me as I stand in the center of divine love and unconditional forgiveness. And So Be It.


Get down from the be, remove the golden orange cloak and leave it neat and tidy on the bed for your next visit.


Thank Archangel Uriel as he leads you back to the boat.


There waiting at the boat for you to begin the final steps of your healing journey is Archangel Gabriel ……………

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