Akashic Records are the celestial energetic records of all our past lives right down to our present incarnation and we can tap into those Records


Part One of Six


Divine Spirit, Mother, Father, God, Angels, Archangels: we ask now as we go through this meditation that the white light of love surrounds us and protects us and as your love embraces us as we move forward with each experience, and So It Is.


Breathe in for the count of three and out for the count of three, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Continue that deep breathing cycle.


Visualize above your head the most beautiful white light.


Visualize that the light coming own from the top of your head, and every breath that you take, you are breathing in the white light that is the source of the Universe.


Visualize the white light flowing down to every muscle, every bone, every organ in your body. Surrounding and encompassing you.



In your mind’s eye, in the distance you see the most beautiful forest begin to appear. The trees are tall, and as the wind gently moves through them, you see the breeze gently swaying the branches in the trees. Birds fly in and out of the trees.



You can see a stone path that moves through the trees and as you move closer to it, it turns into a golden pathway for you to walk on.



As you move along this path you feel a great presence of Being connected with nature. You are at peace. The nature spirits are with you, guiding you deeper and deeper into the forest.


You come to a clearing.



The light is so bright. And as your eyes adjust to the brilliance of this light, there in front of you, you see the golden path leading to a magnificent mountain.



The mountain glistens in the sun for it is made of every single crystal on this earth plane. This is a very special mountain, because inside you will experience healing on many different levels. Start walking towards the mountain.



As you come closer you notice there is an opening. As you get to the opening of this crystal mountain, lower your head and step inside.



You are in awe of the interior of this mountain. You are in awe of all that is around you. You feel the power of all that is around you. You are drawn to the golden steps in front of you. As you reach the top of the steps, hold onto the rail, it will help you to walk down the steps.



As you walk down the steps you find you are now on a deeper level in the crystal mountain cave. Over to your right-hand side you can see an archway, and you can hear the gentle sound of flowing water.



Go through the archway and there at the side of the water is a small boat with a seat that is waiting for you. You look to the right of the boat and there waiting for you is the

Archangel Michael………….

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